
God's herald's announcement:

We (the Cornerstone Missional Community in Orange) have really enjoyed the Challenge of Jesus; an "immersive experience" of 4 Shabbats (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset) focusing on the life of Jesus. In reflecting on them, especially no. 4, I am currently stating my overall attitude or direction while involved in the challenge of Jesus, as something like this:

  • trying "not to tell people" (other than the herald's announcement, unless it is a story), so much, as trying to maximize participants' experience of personal discovery.

(the herald's announcement:

The ancient prophecies of the Maker of this Universe ruling it, well, through Humanity, are in process of being fulfilled.

Jesus of Nazareth, has been picked out and christened as the pinnacle of that rule!

If you are on his side, drop your own methods and your own agendas, use your hands and head like his.

... There are repercussions to your actions, or inactions.)

  • flexibility and responsiveness firstly to the spirit of God, and secondly to the actual people sent by God; their present aims, hopes, moods, capacities, and life situations).

Just wanted to get your thoughts on the herald's announcement above. This is the best I can come up with at the moment for unchurched people from the West. But I'm keen to do better, if possible. All points could be drawn out more if people are interested & willing to go further. The first & second point could even be made into one. Any thoughts or suggestions from your angle? I'd appreciate any feedback you can throw in, for thinking and planning for further "events" like this, and just living life as a herald of the new (old) King.         You should be able to comment below.        Thanks.


choose your ancestor to lead you..through death & beyond.. into new beginnings* (which "house" of the Sons of Adam?

Jot down some reflections on how you imagine you’d be affected, if you were there with Jesus, seeing him die on a cross… and then appear to you alive again…

Part 1

You ask me to put down on paper how

it might affect me to have been there when

he died at hands of thieves and robbers (Wow!)

when he had only done and said good, then.

And as we got to know him, over years -

he showed his colours clearly to us all.

Sometimes he was frustrated - unto tears,

but never scared or panicking, so small

as I am in pedantic peevishness.

He made allowances for weaknesses.

He looked to God; & prayed for God to bless

his enemies. As he beforehand says

to love your enemies & pray for those 

who persecute, & make you suffer too.

He lived his teaching out with calm repose.

God’s grace was on him, always fresh & new -

like morning dew, God’s hesed - (faithful love)

condensed in all his actions & his words,

& they displayed a life lived “from above

our plane of life”; his seemed almost absurd,

so much above mine that I seemed asleep.

But now God’s o-pen-ing my eyes to see

the kind of life & strength that must still keep

the stars up in the sky ’bove you & me;

The sun & moon that give this life it’s strength.

The energy which all life has on Earth

has showed its face, & now become at length

an open secret, truly ours by birth!

* new beginnings brought about in different ways by the two "houses", or "dynasties", of two "sons of Adam".


Regarding Jesus teaching people ...

In Jesus' life when interacting with 

the crowds who came for healing, and to hear

this Rabbi with authority to lift

their heads up high, to know God's rule was near..

Mark writes1 for us a summ-ar-y of some

stuff that he did and said at times like this:

The crowd that gathered round, these folk who'd come

to him now was so large (not many missed),

that he got in a boat, sat on a ledge

in it, out on the lake, while people were 

along the shore beside the water’s edge. 

Mark told us earlier2 the reason for

this was 'coz there were so man-y who'd come.

Kept folk from being crushed, as groups pushed in.

It helped them order up, gave space (and some

things like - they'd cool down, better list-en-in').

He taught them many things, not one or two,

by parables, analogies, and such

and in his teaching said a word (not new),

that meant to try to understand or touch

the meaning, with some action that ensued.

The hebrew word behind the Arama-

-ic one he prob'ly said, was daily used.

In prayers each eve'ning/morning they would say

this word, in quoting God's word to "his son".

It was Shema, and meant all that above,

But in the Greek of everyday life, one

might say Ἀκούετε3 yet think of "love"

of God, because "Shema" became the name

of that first, great, command they said each day.

Thus many nuances might come from same

word: listen, see and understand, obey.

Mark follows this with stories, likenesses, 

that Jesus’ used about events around

but treating them as metaphors he says

"These things are like the rule of God, I've found."

He seems to see this life as picturing

the deeper things, dimensions still untapped.

He'd finish urging folk to "get" these things.

‘Your ears were meant to hear, they're not just slapped

on side of head, to hold some bling upon,

or hang some shades that make you look real cool,

so use them for their prime'ry purpose son;

or in the end, you'll really be a fool"

then Mark continues telling us his ways,

by summarizing with this statement now:

“With many similar parables he sáys

God's message to this people, so somehow

they might be hooked, and come to hear and see,

and understand, and stand under the rule

of such a one who made and loves us; we

might know that love, instead of being fooled.

Then Mark spells out his method without doubt,

and says what he has shown us just before

"He didn't say a thing to them without 

a parable. But.." there was something more ..

"when he was on his own, alone with his 

own students (or disciples, as they'd say, 

I'd prob'ly use the word "apprentices"),

he'd help them understand - to tell, his way!"4 

  1. Mark 4: 1f & similarly Matthew - in chapter 13

  2. Mark 3:7-10

  3. https://bible.com/bible/156/mrk.4.3.SBLG 

  4. Mark 4:33f

Regarding Jesus' teaching to the crowds, Mark (ch 4, & similarly Matthew - in chapter 13) writes for us:

“The crowd that gathered round him was so large that he got into a boat and sat in it out on the lake, while all the people were along the shore at the water’s edge. 2 He taught them many things by parables, and in his teaching said: "Listen! …"” (Mark 4: 1f

Mark follows this with about 5 of Jesus’ parables (about events and happenings in everyday life around them) which finish with commands, or encouragements to listen, like: .‘Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear. (v9,26-26)’ then Mark makes this statement: 

“With many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them, as much as they could understand.  He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything.” (Mark 4:33f


..take the story IN..

If I will not take up that story of

real Life & Liberty, and live it out

then I will end up living for myself

right here within this culture, I don't doubt.

I see that as I hear this story well

(I mean by that: "imagin-a-tively"),

Each story works as puzzle, that will tell

me something more about my life, and me.

But not in categ'ries all iron clad,

it's more suggestive, and with beckoning.

It offers options that i might have had,

ways of responding that i might now bring

to table, in negotiations soon.

It gives a chance to me to think, & see

life from the vantage of another room,

to understand my life objectively.

So as I see myself pictured in this-

here story I just heard - identify;

I let it's strength and wisdom hit or miss

me, and let out a smile, or hmmph, or sigh.

And if i take its medicine, and its food,

and drink, into myself, it starts to own

me, if that's not too candid, or too rude,

'cos culture comes through stories. Thus it's "shown".

But now I see that I must also make

it mine, as son or daughter of this one

who saw his life fulfilling God's own "take"

on ruling well, as Adam's flesh and bone.


Following Messiah*

 How do I tell Jesus' stories to people I meet this week?

Following Jesus's method, not just his words!

  • Look up! - to the mountains, and to the heavens. Where will my help come from? 
  • Look out! -at God's world around me. Notice what happens, & what is happening.
  • Look at them, the people God has sent me to, and sent to me. And look into their eyes, with his love.
  • Expect God to give me a story from this world of his, for this child of his, to be his gift for them, and 
  • Tell it to them, then, & there!

How do I tell the stories of Jesus 

to people whom I meet today, this week?

I tried to learn the stories that seize us,

that he told, or about him. Give a peek

of these, to folk I meet with, in this place -

the other side of Earth, and some time hence.

I saw tonight, that those stories should grace

the ears of those who ask for what things meant - 

so, they have caught a bit, and ask for more. 

Those stories from the gospels are for me.

Reposit'ries, and birthright, they're my store.

I need to follow him more, now I see.

And as he told his stories, to those folk,

by using stuff from ev'ry-day life then*,

evangelists who followed him, too spoke

in stories, of that life lived among men.

So when I follow, not just words, but ways;

I will look up, as Jesus did, himself.

I will look out upon this world, this space,

and get to know it well, to speak with health.

Then I'll look in their eyes, to let the love

of God himself - look through mine into theirs,

expecting God to give me from above,

a story for his children. He who shares.

He is the one I'll follow. So I'll tell

what stories he gives to me for their sake,

both then and there. The stories will do well

what Jesus knew they could - bring folk awake!

*  Regarding Jesus' teaching to the crowds, Mark (ch 4, & similarly Matthew - in chapter 13) writes for us:

The crowd that gathered round him was so large that he got into a boat and sat in it out on the lake, while all the people were along the shore at the water’s edge. 2 He taught them many things by parables, and in his teaching said: "Listen! …"” (Mark 4: 1f) Mark follows this with about 5 of Jesus’ parables (about events and happenings in everyday life around them) which finish with commands, or encouragements to listen, like: .‘Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear. (v9,26-26)’ then Mark makes this statement: “With many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them, as much as they could understand.  He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything.” (Mark 4:33f