
Jesus' approach to living life with people ...

I want to make mine..

  • Asking the Questions that Love (& therefore Truth) would ask.. {e.g. Article 1- two paragraphs from a Christian, looking at Jesus’ life, Article 2: by a Jewish former chief Rabbi, looking at Jewish culture (can you see this confirmed or denied in Jesus’ life?)  ; from Jesus's life: As a child/young man, Luke 2:41-52; in the wake of a key warning to his disciples that was misunderstood - Mark 8:14-21 (count how many questions Jesus asks here); an example in my life - as an alternative to getting grumpy that Christian leaders rarely have  an adequate understanding of discipleship, and what Jesus meant by his command to the twelve to “Go and make  disciples…”.
  • Communicating in real time a valuable gift, of approach, life style, thinking or understanding (Acts of love). {e.g. Article:  ; from Jesus's life:  Peter's summary to Cornelius that Jesus.. “went about doing good” }
    • Healing of individuals and social structures, {e.g. Article:  ; from Jesus's life:  }
    • Exorcism of the main centres of fear, chaos, and unhealthy dependency or independency {e.g. Article:  ; from Jesus's life:  }
    • Verbal {e.g. Article:  ; from Jesus's life:  }
      • Clear, culturally appropriate gloss of the main message {e.g. Article:  ; from Jesus's life:  }
      • Stories to illustrate that main message's real import and edge on alternative options.. {e.g. Article:  ; from Jesus's life:  }
      • True and memorable quips/proverbs/blessings that keep in mind an alternative world view {e.g. Article:  ; from Jesus's life:  }
      • Rare, but real Insights into his own hopes, plans for real futures including those who take this on seriously {e.g. Article:  ; from Jesus's life:  }
  • Making self available to train in the above those who have real potential (including someone who might stab you in the back). {e.g. Article:  ; from Jesus's life:  }
  • Modelling the message/ Leading the life-style/ Fleshing out the truth/reality/ Playing his part or role - @ personal cost of vulnerability and sharing inside battles/temptations that he could keep quiet about. {e.g. Article:  ; from Jesus's life:  }

General (Jesus) approach:

  • All of Life (this life is a metaphor for the deeper more permanent) {e.g. Article:  ; from Jesus's life:  }
  • Live it before I speak it. (Exemplify/Quality) {e.g. Article:  ; from Jesus's life:  }
  • Speak it before I live it. (Prophecy, to counter fear & bring comfort and assurance) {e.g. Article:  ; from Jesus's life:  }
  • Speak it as I live it. (Tongues) {e.g. Article:  ; from Jesus's life:  }
  • Speak it after I live it. (Interpretation) {e.g. Article:  ; from Jesus's life:  }
  • Leave real (big and important) jobs for those coming after me, {e.g. Article:  ; from Jesus's life:  }
  • From the beginning train them for it, give them all necessary core/spirit-of-the-matter needs, set them to it. {e.g. Article:  ; from Jesus's life:  }

Paul Walker

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