
Yes YOU are! (his modus operandi)

  • Go for love!

  • Only use technology for the purposes of love. 

  • Expect technology to challenge humanity when it can, & even to crush humanity, when it is able. That's the way it works.

  • Equally, expect that love itself will always bring it's own energy, or make a "way out", that you can stand.

Take the story in,

understand it well

(so you will begin -

with heaven, not with hell). 

Know the charact-ers,

and the twisting plot,

when the feeling's terse,

and when it is not.

Know the ways and means,

curses, blessings too,

what appears, and seems,

what is real & true.

Choose what makes for friends,

choose what makes for foe,

when allegiance ends,

what things go to show.

Know the story world, 

like you know your own,

what flags are unfurled,

what seed has been sown?

Thus you'll know quite well

both the new and old.

See you only tell

what builds, and en-folds.

So look up yourself,

look out at God's world.

Look at folk, not wealth,

love them where they're curled.

Let God's breath then speak

words from him to them.

'Specially when you're weak,

touch his garment's hem.

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