
A questionaire on Jesus's message & methods of "Gospelling".

Here (goo.gl/wct1bp)


    5. The Gospels (& other scriptures) relate that both Jesus & his early messengers heralded the "gospel" (="GOOD NEWS"). What would the term "gospel" have communicated to Jesus's hearers & the "Gospel" readers? *
    (You can tick more than one to communicate your understanding well)


    6. As you presently understand it, what was the gospel Jesus himself preached/communicated in his day? *

    7. What method(s) did Jesus himself use in communicating his Gospel? *
    (Your present understanding)


    8. What is the gospel as preached/communicated by the first century disciples of Jesus? *
    (Your present understanding)

    9. What method(s) did the first century disciples of Jesus use in communicating the gospel? *
    (Your present understanding)


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