
The Gospel of God...

In my present understanding, there are two parts to it (well three).

1)  a bald statement of news [Announcement]
2)  appropriate responses to that news outlined [Encouragement/Command]
      Metanoia & pistis fall into this 2nd category.
There is a 3rd category; which is  
3) an interpretation of the 1st part (ie. The announcement). Many of Yeshua's parables and some of his actions fall into this category.  [(re)Imagining]

What did the hearers of the gospel hear, 
when they first heard it from God’s herald who
was God’s anointed leader who appeared
and said he came to Earth this job to do*.

It’s almost like the most important thing
a leader sent from God could do was tell
the message that God sent him here to bring,
and lead the people to hear it right well.

But part of human list’ning is to hear
and understand, and also live in line
with any truth communicated near
that might call for responses in good time.

And in this case, he told them what to do
right after he had given them the news.
Both metanoia and pistis were two
commands he gave them, and he gave  reviews.

This news is so amazing that you must
not live your life the same as you have done,
but change your hearts and minds, begin to trust
this (well supported) news, for it’s begun!

In case misunderstanding of the news
occurs, there is another job to do:
interpret it’s key aspects, and refuse
to let them just back-up the current view.

God’s premise-s are often not like ours,
on different principles he runs his show
so when we look, and think of taking bows,
their meaning and their motives are “the go”.

The message means... & motives lurking
for saying it, might have to be explained.
Imagining the outcomes and workings
(for those who were kings prior to this exchange),

might all be part of finishing the job.
It seems that many parables in word
& deed, bear witness to this truth (of God),
and might help to recall what people heard;

..to think about it, panning out more gold
(excited as they found each tiny bit).
The Herald’s clear announcement, they were "told".
For us here later, “What-cha think was it”?

* After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, heralding the good news of God. ‘The time has come,’ he said. ‘The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!’ ….

Jesus replied, ‘Let us go somewhere else – to the nearby villages – so that I can preach there also. That is why I have come.’  So he travelled throughout Galilee, heralding in their synagogues and driving out demons.
Mark 1:14‭-‬15‭, ‬38‭-‬39  https://bible.com/bible/113/mrk.1.14-39.

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