
view o' the world o' Yeshua

His "take" on all creation and this world

is that it is God's gift to us, a tent,

a place where we can grow, though we're  still curled

like foetuses within its walls, and bent.

And of all that he owns, because he thought

it up, and then designed, and made it be,

there is one part that he calls out, he's sought

to not determine, but to make it free

like him, to be good, not as services

and goods are good - designed and made quite well;

but like him, source himself of all that is,

to see more good come out of chaos-hell.

And we're not just his garden plants he likes,

or animals or pets that he might train,

he sees us as his very own small tykes,

so there might be gods on God's earth again.

But not like gods of mortal myth per-chance,

but baby gods who're like the God of gods,

and his own children, who'll learn how to dance

and take the care that's needed with all bods

to now display on this ol' Earth again

the nature of a Power that is love.

That does not shrink from suffering to gain

more comfort for the self, it's like a dove

that harries crows from chicks to, move them on,

give chicks a chance to grow up with their mum.

The story isn't over, hasn't gone.

But that was part of why Jesus had come.

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