
choose your ancestor to lead you..through death & beyond.. into new beginnings* (which "house" of the Sons of Adam?

Jot down some reflections on how you imagine you’d be affected, if you were there with Jesus, seeing him die on a cross… and then appear to you alive again…

Part 1

You ask me to put down on paper how

it might affect me to have been there when

he died at hands of thieves and robbers (Wow!)

when he had only done and said good, then.

And as we got to know him, over years -

he showed his colours clearly to us all.

Sometimes he was frustrated - unto tears,

but never scared or panicking, so small

as I am in pedantic peevishness.

He made allowances for weaknesses.

He looked to God; & prayed for God to bless

his enemies. As he beforehand says

to love your enemies & pray for those 

who persecute, & make you suffer too.

He lived his teaching out with calm repose.

God’s grace was on him, always fresh & new -

like morning dew, God’s hesed - (faithful love)

condensed in all his actions & his words,

& they displayed a life lived “from above

our plane of life”; his seemed almost absurd,

so much above mine that I seemed asleep.

But now God’s o-pen-ing my eyes to see

the kind of life & strength that must still keep

the stars up in the sky ’bove you & me;

The sun & moon that give this life it’s strength.

The energy which all life has on Earth

has showed its face, & now become at length

an open secret, truly ours by birth!

* new beginnings brought about in different ways by the two "houses", or "dynasties", of two "sons of Adam".

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