
word on holy breath of life (1)


Our speech can be utensil of a mind.

And mind "we have the very mind of Christ".

If we are joined as hemispheres, both find

themselves to be joined up. No saccrifice!

Since all you, Christ, have, is available

to help, to guide, suppress our impulse to

act on our own as unassailable,

& independent - with no need for you,

who, like the hemisphere on right of brain,

can "see", perceive, and hold the picture big,

and we are made to emphasize, retain

some real control, but also more to jig-

saw on the lines first given "from above".

We aren't the one who made the whole, it's true.

But that's no problem in this case, since love,

as used by you is hesédHesed's you!

And that's not gushy feelings (though I've heard

you made them too, and speak of "tender care").

Hesed is loyal, faithful to its word.

It "keeps its word to its own hurt". So there

you have it! And the best of all is this:

I have it too, since what I get is you!

And you have shown your willingness as his

sweet spirit, who like wind that always blew

from one direction (for some season/time)

could be the motive force for boat & crew,

and fill its sails. But this spirit has rime

of ancient mariner; who loves to move.

  • Sacred objects - temple, altar, priests, & utensils in their service - body of people, & body of a person (see the book of "Leviticus");

& "We who are spiritual, have the very mind of Christ!" & "I have been united with Christ".. (1Cor 2:16; Gal 2:20)

  • We should, in the spirit of Jesus, James' "dear brother", be quick to.., slow to.., & slow to … (James 1:19)

  • The words of God's ambassadors can be given us by the Lord Jesus, & taught us by the Holy Spirit (Luke 12:12; 21:15; 1Cor 2:12-13), and should, if we speak, be spoken as the oracles of God. (1Peter 4:11).

  • The gospel of God, is the word of God to this age now (with all the immediate obedience & thoughtful participation required of God's prophets of the past).(see the book of "Acts…")

  • In the beginning was the word, & the word was … God, and became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw his glory..(John 1:1-14)". A word from a person comes on the  breath of that person. "The Words I speak to you are carried on the core motivation of God (the spirit of God), & they are life, so they mediate the life of God." (John 6:63,68)

  •  "I myself, am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through me.(John 14:6)

  • The Rider On the White Horse was called/named "The Word of God" (Revelations 19:11-16)

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