
Cultural-Gramatico-Historical Introduction to Mark's telling of the Euangelion

This is a link to some piccies & text as a pdf document (2 pages) on the euangellion: Mark Intros ( goo.gl/oACiJZ ). It goes with about a dozen little stories which help understand the nuances behind the  first century use of the terms .. .. .. & that go with these (arti)facts. If you know of any, feel free to throw them in/ post them (with comments on the blog)....

  • "euangelion" (Greek for good news / gospel; & from which we have our English terms evangel, evangelize, & evangelical, the term used for Caesar's message sent by his heralds, of the good news that the hearers are saved, given peace, and connected by Caesar who is Lord, the huios theos );
  • "huios theos" (Greek; for the Latin: "divi fili/filius", & for the English: "son of god")
  • "apostollo" (Greek for "I am sending", related to the noun for "sent one" / "ambassador")
  • "angelon" (Greek for "messenger" / "angel", in the first case God's "angel" is John the Baptist, or John the Washer.
  • "kyrios" (Greek for Lord, used of God (in the Greek translation of the early Jesus Followers' bible, but also used of any "teacher" [akin to the way some people still address a male teacher nowadays with "Sir"], and Caesar used it as his Real Title: "Caesar is Lord", was the mantra of the Roman Empire)
  • "kyregma" ( Greek for the messaged heralded by the Emperor's Heralds)
  • "baptisma" (Greek for the Jewish, but also used by other religions too, ritual washing to make one "clean", rather than "unclean", before spiritual realities.)

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