
The word of the Lord, came to me saying...

I just completed reading your summary of Walter Brueggermann's book: "The Prophetic Imagination" provided in your magazine “Therefore” (Vol 12, Num 2). What a lovely gift. Thank you for doing this for us, and making it freely accessible.

Please God help us who are now holders of
the Word of God that is right now "at hand",
to hold it out like you, with shoulders of
connection, a right arm with understand-

ing (that can look and listen deeply to
you in your council as you plan to bring
the power of your "khesed", to bring unto
this broken world, the will & power to sing).

That as, like prophets in the world long past,
we let this Word of God come in, not mope,
then hold it out in a dark world like stars
to shine and bring a faithful, moving hope.

We see that now the least in God’s New Rule

are all, as prophets were to folk back then.
The euangelion that is our jewel,
speaks God’s word of the Word of God, so when

we hold it out, and bear witness to truth’s
clear presence and it’s heart, as did his face,
we need your help to critique (not to lose
our independence, from imagine-ace-

-shun, given us by Yahweh Elohim’s
quite alter-native way of doing life.
And energized by what comes down from him
so that Creator’s ways and means are rife!

And learning to let go of old wine skins,
in mourning their old plans, devices too,
we want to open up to what begins,
and all your new creation that ensues!

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