
..take the story IN..

If I will not take up that story of

real Life & Liberty, and live it out

then I will end up living for myself

right here within this culture, I don't doubt.

I see that as I hear this story well

(I mean by that: "imagin-a-tively"),

Each story works as puzzle, that will tell

me something more about my life, and me.

But not in categ'ries all iron clad,

it's more suggestive, and with beckoning.

It offers options that i might have had,

ways of responding that i might now bring

to table, in negotiations soon.

It gives a chance to me to think, & see

life from the vantage of another room,

to understand my life objectively.

So as I see myself pictured in this-

here story I just heard - identify;

I let it's strength and wisdom hit or miss

me, and let out a smile, or hmmph, or sigh.

And if i take its medicine, and its food,

and drink, into myself, it starts to own

me, if that's not too candid, or too rude,

'cos culture comes through stories. Thus it's "shown".

But now I see that I must also make

it mine, as son or daughter of this one

who saw his life fulfilling God's own "take"

on ruling well, as Adam's flesh and bone.

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