
Godliness (for us?) - implying what methodology?


Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great: He appeared in the flesh, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory. NIVUK 1 Tim. 3:16 (Greek original, & other translations)

For certain sure, beyond all questionings,

the mystery of godliness is great.

The secret which is now made plain, and sings,

as bird in early morning can elate...

but mostly those awake to hear its sounds.

As sunrise keeps its tryst with few of us,

yet openly its secrets can be found,

so godliness is known by what it does:

appearing, being vindicated, seen,

then heralded, believed on, taken up….

within/ among; the flesh and spirit's keen,

then angels, nations, world, glory, erupt.

This doesn't smell of  overpow-er-ing,

compulsion, forcing, or machinery!

It's only "certain-sure" as love would fling

itself down low to be with, and to see.

Identifying with, and paying for -

one loved, recalled with positive regard.

It wants the best, it pays the price, and more,

it works to do, not show that it tries hard.

If after it appeared, it had to be

vindicated, so to prove it right,

there must have been at least "uncertainty",

and seen by angels, or with them's a sight

for eyes more sore, than sure, the stories tell.

So maybe "show 'n' tell" has got it right,

our lives and words show people, help them smell,

so as to tell what's true, and love; not fight.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Paul. Totally agree with a message that the gospel shines we shine! Geoff
