
Ambassador's message to the nations

The two times in Acts where Jesus' ambassador to the non-Jewish nations, Paul,  was talking to a non-Jewish audience, he comes out with different, though similar beautiful explanations of the new conditions of interchange between these dimensions of reality: Heaven & Earth.

We’ve come to bring the Message of a new

agreement here between you people and

the maker of this world, a father to

each human whom he sees as in command

of this world, and maybe this Universe,

and since he gave us his own motive force,

we will not try to make you (that's perverse)

- unless you claim that as your way, of course.

But if we can persuade you, help you see

the sense in trusting, with wonder & awe,

the living God … embrace this God so we

can learn the reason we've been put here for.

The Ecosystem God; who made all this—

these spaces to exist, and live and be,

the heavens and the earth, sky, sea, all which

would live and move, & ultimately breathe

the breath, the wind, the spirit of all life,

that's worth the living, in the mind of God

and every thing within these places rife

with vast existence, and with care that's odd.

“In generations long before us, God

let all the different nations go their ways. 

But even then he didn’t leave each bod

with no clue -for he made what good displays 

within creation, poured down rain and gave 

the bumper crops that come, to tide the bad.

And with your bellies full, the way was paved

for grateful happy hearts, to see and add,

and be conduits themselves to others too.

And sure they might need help to do it well;

but help was right at hand, to help us do

what's needed, so to make this less like hell.

From scratch, he made the human race itself,

and made the earth hospitable, with hope

& heaps of time and space to live in health

we could seek after God, and not just grope 

around within the dark, but really find 

this God (who’s not remote at all) per chance,

he’s near as air we breathe, before, behind.

We live, and move in him, who made up dance.

God overlooked our ignorance in past

times, knowing that folk knew no better then

but I'm so glad to say that needn't last.

The spotlight's shone on New Adarm - that's when

he conquered death, and scarcity, and fear!

He's calling you to live in his own realm,

and in his way; to know that God is near.

He calls this change of life. He's at the helm.

"..we’re here to bring you the Message, to persuade you to … embrace God himself, the living God. We don’t make God; he makes us, and all of this—sky, earth, sea, and everything in them. “In the generations before us, God let all the different nations go their own way. But even then he didn’t leave them without a clue, for he made a good creation, poured down rain and gave bumper crops. When your bellies were full and your hearts happy, there was evidence of good beyond your doing.” Acts 14:14‭-‬18 MSG

The other time Paul was talking to a non-Jewish audience he comes out with similar beautiful turns of phrase…

" Starting from scratch, he made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find him. He doesn’t play hide-and-seek with us. He’s not remote; he’s near. We live and move in him, can’t get away from him! … … “God overlooks it as long as you don’t know any better—but that time is past. The unknown is now known, and he’s calling for a radical life-change. Acts 17:24‭-‬31 MSG

I want to grow in wisely expressing this God's amazing grace and thoughtful love. If you have any suggestions, as to ways forward for me, I'll (try to) listen carefully

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