
The telling of the Ruler's Euangelion is a sign of the Ruler's rule..

My God how good you are, in all your works,

and ways you take in making them to be.

Your motives, so inscrutable, berserk,

seem quite irrational to the machine,

or animal alike, who cannot love,

at least until it could gain contact with

you as a source of all good - from above

who starts the greater pain absorption myth..

and fosters it, by modeling yourself

within the story, after Man's City;

but then your rep's [a greater suff'ring wealth 

could be imagined, but (I'd say) hardly!]

Yet, everyone who loves, responsively,

both up and down the line (of cause-effect,

but more than that, it is authority)

will know within themselves, what to expect,

or hope it, till they hear a story such

that those old hopes will come alive in flame

for their experience has taught them much

of this world, & of those made by the same

creative love who reaches out just now

and ev'ry moment you've been here in his..

his resting place, where he lived out somehow

the mystery of life in love that IS!

And then, the poetry, the rhyming, starts,

and doesn't seem to finish (in my soul).

And takes its roots down deeper in our hearts

until one day, we'll be as he is - whole.

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