



If I start off with words we use to clar-

If I communicate to you, I'd say .. 

If I presume: to plant one needs to scar-

If I would land in wood land here one day.

I'll live from my presumptions, bring their st-

I'll HAVE to use all learned speech process(es)…

I'll see that where   I can   include them w-

I'll lively introductions make. I "SAYS" !

The NEEDS of life we count up as the things

that must be well supplied while life sustains.

Though food is often put forth as what brings

us energy, no fetal life complains

with food not in it's gut. It's better off

without some outside food to float on in

to mouth, then use some peristaltic cough

to move things through the system to begin

its life within the womb 'S energized

by other - means IT doesn't need such food.

Its strength seeps in through other means despised.

What's necessary, is what's really good

TO DO (: to listen, not speak, is our need

to do). Our actions can 'speak' more than words.

And to grow plants in soil, it's mostly seed

(though mixed in with the soil, sometimes there's turds).

Love comes as its own source of energy..

love somehow tunes to frequencies untouched

by other kinds of tuning that we see

around us. Rarely forced, though often nudged.

"Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset over all these things! 42 Only a few things are necessary, perhaps only one. Mary has discovered it…. Luke 10:38-42 (turn phones to landscape orientation) (+ see footnotes of verse 41,42)

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