

 ..your  work !

Well, oh my GOD, I love what you have done,

& how you've done it too. You've done it well!

For you to notice then, in turn your son

& how well he expressed and did your will…

is yet more reason for me to want to

become like you, who notices the man-

ner in which things are done, and also who

is right to do them, ev'ry way they can.

I love your multi-valent metaphors,

with all your Dad-jokes, poetry of sorts,

and riddles, games, of course you're not a bore,

since you're creative-ity well affords

attention to de-tails as well as heads

(and tales come in, and get a place as well).

I love your choice of head who once was dead,

so he can head up this journey from hell-

-ish living, to the heavenly kind that

we humans were conceived of (in your love),

to do, embody on Earth, that seems flat,

but isn't, as who's informed from above

to function as a citizen of Heav-

-en (heav-y concepts here must be worked out)

to lighten up the mixture (as does leav-

-en in a batch of dough). We caught that shout!

Whereby he shouted food and drink around.

And shouted out a pithy message too,

as herald of the Emperor, who found

some rulers whom he'd like to rule here through.

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