
in heralding God's governance...

Make sure that you will “wait” until he frees
you, with God’s spirit’s great, fresh attitudes,
his motives, gifts, & serendipities,
his spirit lifts, & leads, empowers his “dudes”.

And when he comes, he’ll then help you to go,
for he blows, runs, to help announce the news
to folk who’ll hear, for some need “tell -  and show”.
Conductor Spirit is who gives folk clues.

This may be best unstated - illustrated:
We humans as a race, need leadership.”
But some of us heed not when we're  berated.
And similarly, what our readership

may see when “shown”, before they would when “told”:
We humans have a LACK of leadership.”
So though a lot of us try to be bold,
we don't have Christ’s so knowing, gracious lips.

And heralded clear (do not mind the words):
Creator of this world has picked out one
who’s worthy to be christened for this world's
well, Leader of Humanity (God’s son) -

The Second Adam, who gets second  “Eve” -
from all humanity, those who will yield
to him as leader, and then lets him weave
his way of leadership, wins all the field!

To those who listened to Yeshua's word,
and saw Creator’s spirit in his deeds,
he helped them understand through all they heard
by stories that helped them see how he leads.

  1. See that you “wait’, until you are filled with the very spirit of God, the spirit spoken of in scripture as the spirit of Jesus. Then be filled with, led by, empowered by, and live your life IN that spirit of the life and grace and truth displayed in Jesus Christ.
  2. Going, walking, announcing, -  wherever people will listen!
  3. (This point can remain unstated- or might be better illustrated) “We (humans) need leadership.”
  4. (This point can remain unstated- or might be better illustrated) “We (humans) have a lack of true leadership.
  5. (This message must be stated) God has picked out a leader for humanity (from among us), - it is Yeshua bar Natzaret!
  6. (Points 6 a & b may be stated, where it would be helpful, but maybe not where people are not responsive to number 5 above)   
    1. We must change our view of life in this world, let go of our old commitments to “climbing the ladder”, &
    2. embrace this news of our new Leader of Humanity & live loyal to him.
  7. To those interested, translate and illustrate the kind of life “from above”, and death, and resurrection, of this Man, via the 350 little story-lets” embedded in the four “gospels” - which also model for us different ways of stringing them together.

* (each little story-let is thought to have been transmitted orally for the first decades after Jesus went to be installed as High King. Each one is technically called a pericope (pronounced puri-cupy), and the plural is pericopae (I'm not sure if it has the same pronunciation as the singular word, or whether it ends as does cafe, or ballet).

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