
a response


(shortened URL to this page: goo.gl/M6pRux)

(http://www.theworkofthepeople.com/look-at-jesus or- play/download (12Mb) at: goo.gl/a87V3i )

What a beautiful way 
to use the gospels to
lead our spirits to pray,
to interchange with you!

What's this amazing thought?
It's not from this young pup,
it comes from what He wrought!
His glorious "looking up"[1].

He who was rich, became
poor, that we might become
richer than words can name.
I know that that seems dumb.

Here is the Way - Love's course;
dain't hold it's  rights as "higher",
seeks to woo, not to force
or "make", but to inspire.

Hence visions, voices, dreams;
which could be just madness.
Not all is what it seems:
don't just run from sadness,

grief, suffering, and death;
we must embrace this lot,
that Jesus life & "breath"
be ours to stop the rot

of "image-in"-ation,
beginning in this life;
"on Earth, as in Heaven",
to match him, as his wife[2]!

[1] Some of the times when Jesus raised his eyes up (as a Jew, maybe every time he prayed): 
  • after the seventy(-two) returned (Luke10:21ff )},  
  • in “prayer” before  - feeding the 5,000 (Mk6:41),
  • healing the deaf mute (Mk 7:34),  
  • at Lazarus’ grave (Jn11:41),
  • praying personally to God for his glory & for his future followers (Jn 17:1),

  • at his baptism?, (It says "he saw heaven being torn open and the spirit descending on him like a dove" but seems a bit unclear whether the first "he" is John, Jesus, or both.
  • on the mount of Transfiguration (where Luke tells us he prayed), or
  • to Zachaesus, before inviting himself home to Zac’s house for a meal (Luke 19:5), 
  • inviting Philip to join in on “the problem of the 5,000 hungry families”(Jn6:5), and
  • in the Temple where he noted the Rich people & the Widow giving gifts at the Temple (Lk 21:1)
  • in Gethsame,
  • or even on the cross...

[2] Thinking from the point of view of those early apostles, not during the visit, but after it, realizing that they had touched & eaten with “the very WORD (or “FORCE” in a STAR-WARS-ish way) of  LIFE. “We beheld his glory, the Glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace & truth…”. Their conclusion (reached from the startling facts of his life, his prophecies, his power, his insight, and the scriptures etc) that he was the Eternal WORD, THE Son of God, The Second (Son of) Adam!- needing a wife, to not be alone, & the confidence that God was indeed preparing one for him (with his own spirit in her). As Jesus un-ashamedly spoke of himself as a bridegroom, now it has grown from the Jewish conception of the people of God being seen as a bride of Yahweh, to the new people of God being a bride for Yeshua, Yahweh’s Son. His DNA is to be taken, and made to make a matching pair, so still bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh…. He is so big, so real, & so loving, that all of us (the x Billion humans who have lived, & will ever live) are like the cells in a living being, a woman, & do not exhaust or overpower, or over-love him. …

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