
According to my reading of the gospel of God.. our ancestry, our future, and our hope...

Txt2mate: How are you going?

TxtFromMate: I'm going well just doing continuous maintenance while still discovering me.


Hmmm. Yes, there are maintenance (& development) disciplines. 

It seems to me (from Gen 1-5, and the rest of the bible, especially the New Testament) that there seems to be two completely different "Me"s; with two different ancestries, and two different futures

And this life is a "choose your own adventure" set up:

We can choose the kind of human (son of Adam) to be,

 and the kind of future to inherit.


  • Cain, the first "son of Adam", 


  • Yeshua, the last "son of Adam".

And there's 

  • all the mechanisms and processes of this world that we can father, or pioneer, or help bring about (e.g. cities, mining, music making, animal herding, etc), with a "Me" that is defined by what we have fathered in terms of these achievements in this world that is "passing", 

or there is 

  • the seemingly insignificant option of fathering new baby humans, that we can spend time with and become a true father of - not as a self-serving project, but as a chance to give our life to others to set them free, to be all that they were meant to be.. - & in that process of passing on to others, we are given a real permanent self (or "Me") to be(come) ourselves, in the creator God's new creation.

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