
COG (Core Of Gospel) 01 -

 Everyone dies - Not everyone truly lives!

  1. The story of the scriptures is to us

a Way to hold much truth - in ways that let

it still be mined to find the gold as such

in other times and places that we get.

  1. And in that story, God says they would die,

right "in the day you eat thereof" - surely! -

if they were to look for wisdom on high

but act like it would come from fruit on tree,

  1. instead of time, and shared life with their dad.

But then the story lets it look like life 

continues for eight cent'ries more (though sad) 

before Adam will see his death, though strife

  1. he'll sees enough! The story begs us to 

look more, below the surface,  check who speaks.

And ask what God could mean? What did ensue?

What that might mean for ev'ry one who peeks?

  1. Does that mean that we're born dead? Me, & you?

And will we all lose physical lives too?

And many people died on crosses, who

might even hope their death might help friends too.

  1. At least that kind of death shows friendship true,

but still the kind of thing that may occur.

So not unique in history. God's choose-

ing is to side with those most seen to err.

  1. His prophet, his anointed leader then

must suffer in a way none would desire,

and show the kind of loy'lty of a friend,

the kind of life that's known as more, and higher!

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